Damaged shower hose and head.

Shower rail and damaged hose.

This shower rail had multiple problems.

The initial call was that the shower head was spraying from around the edge of the handle. When I saw the shower hose pinched over, I tried to tighten the screw on the slider, unfortunately it was too far gone. Where the hose was bent over it was spraying water and the hand piece was also spraying from the outer part of the circular face. On the rail itself at the bottom the cover was missing. Normal wood screws had been used and had corroded (always use stainless screws generally supplied with the shower rails). Purchasing all 4 parts separately would cost more than buying new shower rail, so I installed a new shower rail and had the customers shower working that day.

If you have any concerns about your shower, give me a call. Meeting your plumbing needs.


Eco Pure water filter


Hair pin causing blocked waste.